Keep growing
in your connection
to God

See the promises of God fulfilled
each day as you learn the difference
between believing IN God versus
simply BELIEVING God.

about Author

Jeff Copeland

Jeff D. Copeland is a simple, ordinary person who grew up from humble beginnings in the Pineywoods of East Texas. He has a degree in marketing from Texas A&M University, 30+ years of marketing experience, 20+ years-experience as an outdoor writer and 30 years-experience as a hunting guide. Among other life achievements, he has also managed ranches and whitetail deer breeding operations and sold farm and ranch real estate. Nothing about any of those facts makes him qualified to write a book detailing how an individual might come to seek out, find, and live their best life by walking hand-in-hand in a special relationship of communion with God. It simply means that unbeknownst to Jeff, God gave him the gift of being able to string words together on a piece of paper in such a way as to paint vivid word pictures and stir deep emotions within the reader. Jeff took that gift for granted and made a decent living with it for a couple decades, thinking he was a self-sufficient, self-made man. Despite his Christian parent’s best efforts to “raise him right,” he had serious doubts as to whether or not there even was a “higher power” at all; much less the Loving Heavenly Father he has now come to know over the last ten years.


Struggling with depression after a painful divorce, Jeff Copeland found himself questioning God’s power when his radio lost connection to the worship music's signal as he drove through the hills.

Mission and Purpose

Hello and welcome to my webpage. Let me begin by stating that I don’t believe in chance or coincidence. I settled on this sentiment a few years after life got the best of me and I found myself at absolute rock bottom, all alone, with nowhere to turn, except to God. When I turned to Him, I found Him waiting there for me just like the Bible promises….and I could clearly see that He had been there always; just waiting for me to acknowledge and look to Him for the help I so desperately needed. That realization launched me on a quest to get to know God better. I needed to know who He was, who He wanted me to be, how all His promises from the Bible worked; and how I could learn to see them work in my everyday life. Read More

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