Mission and Purpose

Mission and Purpose

Hello and welcome to my webpage. Let me begin by stating that I don’t believe in chance or coincidence. I settled on this sentiment a few years after life got the best of me and I found myself at absolute rock bottom, all alone, with nowhere to turn, except to God. When I turned to Him, I found Him waiting there for me just like the Bible promises…and I could clearly see that He had been there always; just waiting for me to acknowledge and look to Him for the help I so desperately needed. That realization launched me on a quest to get to know God better. I needed to know who He was, who He wanted me to be, how all His promises from the Bible worked; and how I could learn to see them work in my everyday life.

My life hasn’t been the same since. My circumstances haven’t really changed very much since that time…but I have! God’s infinite love for us is impossible for our finite minds to comprehend. But if we can just learn to believe our Bibles, we can begin to see enough of His love to change our lives, perspectives and emotions enough to truly live the blessed life promised to all believers in the Bible. Seeing biblical promises working in our lives firsthand can ignite our flame of desire for more, and that can drive us to dig deeper into our Bibles. The key for this to happen is that we must learn the difference between believing IN God versus simply BELIEVING God.

My prayer is that this website becomes a resource for those seeking to take this step from believing IN, to simply BELIEVING; because as I’ve learned from my own personal experience this is the secret to living our best life under any circumstance. These days, no matter what life throws at me, I am at peace. I don’t worry or stress about anything…not because I don’t care, but because I 100% trust Romans 8:28 (And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.) That means that whether life is easy, or hard at present, I can rest assured that God is going to work it out for my good…every time. Knowing that promise is 100% true allows me to keep my focus on God, instead of focusing on my sometimes less-than-desirable circumstances; which keeps God in control of my fickle human flawed emotions and that is the key to eliminating stress from your life.

If any of this sounds appealing and you wish to learn to live a stress-free, blessed life; feel free to browse around through the content on my website. I’m more than happy to share everything I’ve learned on my journey toward spiritual growth so far. When I began my journey, I started making notes just as a reminder to myself of things I learned from reading my Bible. Over the course of a few years, those notes turned into my book The Hills in Our Lives, which I truly believe is everything one needs to know to live their best life in a real relationship with our Creator. Having my book published necessitated the creation of this website and I truly believe that God did all of this so that I would have a means to shine the light of His message for others to see and be able to learn to live the blessed life He promises is available to all of us who are His children.

In John 14:27 Jesus said, Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.

If you learn to BELIEVE God, that verse means that you can have the very same peace that Jesus had throughout His life on earth. The peace that Jesus had was due to His relationship as God’s son and the trust He had in God, knowing the Father’s love would never fail Him. Jesus left that very peace right here for each of us to pick up and live in, but for us to be able to pick it up, we must have the same relationship with our Heavenly Father that Jesus had. We must learn to trust (BELIEVE) the Father’s love will never fail us.

It’s no coincidence that you landed here on my webpage today. God placed you here to show you something you might be missing that is keeping you from living your best life. Make yourself at home and dig around a little bit. I’m sure you will find a treasure you didn’t even know you needed. That’s just how awesome our God is! Be blessed.

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